December 6

6 Great Office Design Ideas to Inspire You


Breath new life into your workplace with six great office design ideas we’re sure will inspire you!

Refreshing your office layout is an effective way to help employees to feel motivated and stimulated. If you feel that your current office interior is a bit dull and uninspired, read on for our office design ideas that will generate a new-found buzz and energy. The good news is that our office design ideas are also inexpensive and quick to implement so you can put them into place without going over budget or spending hours over schedule.

1. Space to be active and creative

Research shows that sitting down at a desk four hours is extremely unhealthy – leading to back problems and obesity. And being in the same position day in and day out isn’t likely to inspire bursts of creative genius. One way you can encourage employees to move around is by introducing standing height desks that are ideal for quick meetings and the chance to stretch your legs.

Desks and chairs on wheels are also a good way of getting people to collaboratively change up their workspace. Think about areas of your office that perhaps aren’t used very much, such as the end of a corridor or a little-used reception area. A space-saving wall-mounted desk with a nearby charging station can turn it into an additional place people can use.

2. Make the workplace fun

Some office design ideas are particularly suitable for workplaces that involve long hours and high pressure. If you have space, add a designated games room, with a pool or table tennis table or a low table with board games. This is a great way of rewarding employees for their hard work and for strengthening team bonds. Hold monthly tournaments and let the winners keep trophies on their desks. Ask people for their ideas and input – this will make it more likely to be a success.

If you don’t have room for a permanent games area, think about creating a time slot in the week where space can be cleared for a fun activity, whether it is a team game or a yoga class. It doesn’t matter what the activity is, the point is to enable your team to bond, have fun and return to work motivated and energised.

3. Motivational quotes

If you are on a budget but you like to give your office a bit of a lift and inexpensive and incredibly easy way of doing so is to but some motivational wall stickers and place them around the office. The beauty of wall stickers is that they can be peeled off if you want to place them in a different spot without leaving any mess or damaged paintwork. An effective way of creating a positive working environment.

4. Bring the outside in

‘Bringing the outside in’ is a bit of a buzzword at the moment, but how do you actually do it in an office setting? Also, known as greening your office, the answer is to add plenty of plants. This has a myriad of benefits. As well as looking great, the presence of plants in the office boost productivity, reduce stress and improve oxygen levels.

Add a mixture of house plants – some prefer light and others shade – lots of natural light and get your team on board. Have fun choosing which plants to purchase and take their office design ideas into consideration – some may wish to grow edible plants. It’s important to assign someone with responsibility for the care of the plants as overwatering from helpful employees can be disastrous.

5. The artists’ studio-style workspace

If your work needs to be extremely creative and visual, getting the workspace right is essential. An artists’ studio looks Bohemian, relaxed and yet completely functional.

Think long galley desk to allow papers and materials to be spread out, pops of colour here and there and plenty of light – use natural light bulbs if the windows are small. Place whiteboards around the walls to encourage shared collaboration of others ideas – even if people are working on different projects the open-plan nature will allow others to seek inspiration from their colleagues’ thoughts and ideas.

6. A home from home

Some experts believe that people work best in a comfortable homely setting, where they can feel relaxed and able to express themselves freely. Obviously, this isn’t suitable for every business, but if yours has an informal vibe, why not invest in some home comforts to create a warm, friendly atmosphere? Add a comfortable sofa or two for meetings and low coffee tables for laptops. Add some artwork, cushions, throws and a rug and you’re pretty much there. Opt for bright pops of colour as offices are too often dull tones of beige and grey.

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Once you’ve investigated a range of office design ideas and settled on a new look, why not invest in VisiPoint as a streamlined design addition to your office, and one that will streamline the visitor sign-in process and allow your business to present a modern and professional image. It’s a future-proof investment that is the perfect finishing touch to any makeover.


Office Design

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